Thursday 12 April 2012

The pianist

Have you ever experience being tortures before or discriminate? My entry this time is about the movie entitles “The Pianist”. The synopsis of this movie is about a Jew named Wadylslaw Szpilman struggles so hard to surviving during the Nazis came and grab over his land.
My first impression towards this movie is this movie is same like other sad movie like Paloh, Lefternan Adnan and Bukit Kepong which is an army based movie. Although I am totally didn’t understand Germany language but I still can predict what the movie was about. By assistance from my friend who had watched this movie there was no problem for me to get the abstraction.
From beginning the movie was a bit horizontal and it’s quite so so but in the middle the movie succeeds to grab my eyes attention. This is because I very interested by looking the scene whereby the Nazis tortured the innocent people. Not enough with it, they also simply murdered those who were against them.

The lesson that I’ve get from this movie is about Wladyslaw’s tenacity and loyalty that stick until last and not changes to keep surviving. It is really makes me proud and amazed. Other that, he also has ability and skillful in playing piano and I’m so astonishment for it.
For me, I’m not support and at the same time not against regarding what the German Nazis did to the Jews because I personally hate them so much. So no wonder the get it and they deserved it. All of their descendent are really coldhearted. The Jews were nothing inner but outer full of arrogance and snobbish. Why nowadays Nazis was not around anymore to give some memorable lesson to this pig-headed race that called Jews?
When bored, they play with it, they control it and when they lose interest, they throw it like it was a piece of junk. Like a master to its puppets.

A sense of satisfaction appeared when the Jews started to get back on their feet and fight back the Nazis to have their freedom back. Although, I still hated all the killing, but I was somehow proud of them for being able to stand again. Wladyslaw resumed back his life by playing the piano once again and things went back as they were before.

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