Thursday 29 March 2012

Is it cool having the Facebook account?

    All The Cool Kids Are Quitting Facebook
Facebook helps us to acquituaintance with other people

 What is facebook? You have facebook account? You will feel left behind if you don’t have facebook account. If you feel so, you are wrong. Don’t you think before the existence of facebook, people keep in touch each other by using letter and do we see that they need to struggle so hard to send the message to others? No right? So those who think by not owning facebook account is a left behind person, I can say that your opinion is a cock-and-bull story. Kids today don’t need to have facebook account because it’s such nonsense if you said that it purposes to make friend. Once you own it, if you misuse or too obsessed with it just wait. Until one time you’ll lost everything. Friend, family, time, future...Everything is gone like a sand flying at the desert. 

Mark Zukerberg, the founder of Facebook
      Ok. Let’s back to our topic, is it true that facebook has lost it’s influence especially towards kids? Yeahhh! If so I am the one who the happiest hearing this news. You all can stand up and clap your hand together with me! Well in this world nothing is long lasting. Let’s read the article written by Jenna Wortham, a technology from New York Times, states that the new users of “Facebook” did not reach the expected result. 
Having the Facebook is vein
   The percentage of the users is decreasing from October 2009 to October 2010. It’s not shocking at all. Maybe we can say that these is a karma. Being in the top for a long time make we proud and arrogant but once we fallen down can realise us thousand times. Don’t play with fire by disclose your personal at facebook or else you’ll burn yourself. Believe me social networking is weak in term of trust and security. Even though it provides sense of secure but it impossible to stop people from hack or stalk.

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