Thursday 16 February 2012

Degree of happiness by Betrand Russell

Degree of happiness

Everyone deserves to get the true happiness
Who don’t want get the happiness in their life? Can someone please tell me who? I bet no one will say no to happiness right? For Betrand Russell, a British philosopher, mathematician, and Nobel laureate, which is the author of the book entitled “The Conquest of Happiness”, happiness are sort into two types that is open to human being and the other to those who can read and write. 

In my point of view, this passage means that the happiness is depends on a person oneself to define what kind of happiness they get and how they reach it. He stated in his article that artists are less happy than men of science. That is because for a painter, if the public did not understand what is the meaning hidden behind the painting their effort is meaningless. They will feel so down if their works didn’t get appreciation from others. 

Meanwhile, for men of science they will still be happy with their life even though the public did not understand their work because their work still been using till today especially if they managed to discover new things. For me, what is stated by Betrand are more to personal opinion about happiness and it’s not true at all. 

This is because we can’t judge someone’s happiness by their occupation or either they success or fail on doing something. Even a mad man also knew how to make they feel happy so same goes to us. Most of people said that happiness is a precious and can buy with money. Yes it’s true but do we can reach the peak of happiness if we can’t make others feel happy? To make other people happy is an investment and investment need some money. 

Let’s say a son crying because ask his father to buy the toy so to make his son happy the father must fulfill son’s need right? No matter how much cost of the toy. In the nutshell, money also is one of the ways to get the happiness. Remember, everyone can get their endless happiness by their own way because it’s belonging to everyone.

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